New 7.4 release highlights
- pkg_add -u speedup (like factor x20)
- battery charging threshold (seems the man page was forgotten, some instructions in the commit
- wayland starts to be usable (but not out of the box)
- malloc can now help finding memory leak
- ssh keystroke timing obfuscation is a thing
- installer improvement, encrypted disk is now easier on arm64 boards like rpi4
- cron ranges support random offsets
- vmd is now using separate process for virtual devices
- being in the operator group no longer allows to shutdown the system, a new group _shutdown exists for this purpose
- pfsync got rewritten
- softdep mount option disabled
- lot of improvements in the Emacs like mg(1) editor
- many many other changes... I won't copy paste the announcement ;)
Artworks of the moment

Artwork by Prahou.
7.4-stable changes
Good news everyone, no day one syspatch! :-)
Going further
- Official OpenBSD 7.4 release announcement
- OpenBSD 7.4 released (undeadly)
- Introduction to sysclean(8), an useful program to look for extra files in the system, upgrade are the perfect moment to use it!
Solène Rapenne. Many thanks to everyone involved and supportive of the idea, especially my friend Tomáš for making all his OpenBSD related art! His art is truly inspirative to me, I think I'm going to end up publishing Webzine issues only to see his artworks :-)